Behind the scenes.

Following the journey in the makings of the Belasse Collection. First samples out January 3rd 2011 looking good. You all are gonna love it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not a good Wednesday

Good Morning all, first, I can't find my bling bling watch, I feel naked with out it! Just in case you want to know, it is expensive and lets pray that I find it. Well we don't want to go off track here, back to BELASSE.
We had a beautiful pc completed yesterday, so sexy, so flirty, so elegant! Yes, we have a store list of about 150. Great start I would say! Have my team working on the list of stylists.  Need to get a PR on board to work on this project. Prompto.

Just spoke to Dwight Eubanks from the Real Housewives of Atlanta and we are to finalize location tomorrow! City Hall is looking like the place. How Official!!!  If anyone here in the ATL have any suggestions please let me know. Our goal is to have everything in place by the end of January.

Off to work now, got some new clients for . As I said before, there are lots of talented designers here in the ATL, and I am so blessed to be a part of their dreams.

I think I need to do a mini photo shoot. For marketing, guys I am so excited about this collection.

Hope everyone has a great and productive day. I will give an update  later and have some behind the scenes  footage. Love BELASSE


  1. Awww man i hope u find your bling bling watch! I hear that Dwight Eubanks is the best, great to have him on your team!

  2. Awww man i hope u find your bling bling watch! I hear that Dwight Eubanks is the best, great to have him on your team!
